All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me...You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
-Walt Disney

Friday, June 15, 2012

Disney trying to get Avengers in the parks

Disney Chairman of Parks and Resorts Tom Staggs has said he intends to bring the Avengers to Disneyland Resort and other parks outside the US. While Disney cannot use Marvel characters in its Orlando parks because of licensing contracts with Universal Studios in Orlando, they have no such restrictions in Anaheim because Universal let their contract expire at its Hollywood park.

Staggs has said recently that not only had Disney been working on getting the Avengers into the parks, but that "work has only intensified given the film's great success."

Imagineers are working on how to get the Marvel characters into the parks. "The setting has to be right, the story has to be right, and that takes a fair amount of time," Staggs said.

Sounds like it will be some time before we see the Stark Expo at Disneyland, but at least it's now been confirmed that they are working on it. The question is: where in Disneyland or even California Adventure does theming based on the Avengers fit? Even if there was an area in Disneyland Park that an Avengers theme could make sense, the park is basically capped out on space. Even if they completely redid the Big Thunder Ranch/Arena area, would super heroes really fit in next to Frontierland and Rivers of America? And in California Adventure, the only real space could be if they swapped out A Bugs Land, which is too small, or maybe the back area of Hollywood Land where Monsters Inc and Muppetvision are, again maybe too small for an adequate representation of the Marvel universe.

So where could they go? Third gate anyone? Rumors have been flying for year about a third park in Anaheim. With the success of the Avengers and Marvel films in general, what better theme to create a third park? And there is plenty of land with the Toy Story parking lot on Harbor Blvd. so once they get their second parking structure build on the parking lot south of Downtown Disney, we hope we can see another of Disney's parking lots turned into a park, this one featuring Iron Man, the Hulk, maybe even Spiderman and the X-Men.

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